WB00 – We believe. What? Why?

One of the great privileges of my current ministry is that I have the opportunity to lead worship and preach in different churches Sunday by Sunday as well as during the week. I work with 42 churches, from pretty much all the traditions of the church of England, different communities and sizes of congregation. Every church worships a bit differently, (and most of them think that theirs is ‘just the normal service’) and one of the joys is fitting in with what people are used to. So long as it’s legal, that is…

One thing that has struck me over the last couple of years is how seldom we use the Nicene Creed, which is given as the default option in the Common Worship Eucharist, as it has been in previous Church of England service books. We do have a much wider selection of affirmations of faith (alongside the two other creeds, though I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Athanasian Creed in the wild…), and I’ve often used these when it’s been important to use a more easily understood declaration, or to focus on one aspect of our belief in a particular season. But I think there’s a good reason for making the Nicene Creed a regular part of our worship, and I worry that we’re losing something in the formation of disciples if we don’t remind ourselves regularly that there is real, important doctrinal underpinning to our life, mission and worship.

A few years back, during a sabbatical that was cut a bit short by the arrival of covid, I started what I intended to be a blog series on the Nicene Creed (introductory post here). It didn’t get very far, but I think it’s time to revive it; hopefully to be of help to others, but also because I need the structure and discipline of writing something regularly to focus my own thinking. After all, it’s been a long time since I did most of my doctrinal thinking and reading, and I could do with taking another rigorous look at what it is that I believe – and at what difference that actually makes to my life as a disciple and priest.

So here goes. I’ll try to post an article each month, one phrase at a time. So this might take a while!

Please do comment and argue with me as we go. This is very much a ‘work in progress’ for my own benefit as well as for yours. Do join me in it!


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3 thoughts on “WB00 – We believe. What? Why?

  1. I like this very much and hope to continue to receive it. Have you posted this to all readers or shall I share it with the few I know? Have you sent it to the Derby Readers? May I share it with those please if you haven’t. It’s the sort of thing that gets me thinking and wanting to ask questions, like what is the difference between ‘Essence’ (Orthodox) and ‘one being’ the words that we use.


    1. Thank you, and yes, please do sent a link to anyone who might be interested (with my best wishes, especially to those Derby Readers who remember me!). The more people who read it, and the more people who ask questions or argue with me, the better – and the more it will help me to be disciplined about posting!


  2. I’m sure you are all already praying for the people of the Middle East but I received this today and thought you might want to join in on Tuesdays day of prayer and fasting. Every blessing to you all. Pam


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